All About Zoe Bug

Zoe Bug's Imagination

Zoe Bug is very creative. When she uses her imagination, she dreams up interesting, silly, and fun ideas. The best part about an imagination is that there is no right or wrong way to imagine. Try it yourself! 

What kind of interesting, silly, and fun ideas do you imagine?

Zoe Bug's Coping Skills

Having  a parent that travels is exciting, and it can also be challenging at times. When Zoe Bug misses her dad she uses her imagination to think about him. She also uses a marker to cross days off of a calendar to track when he will return home. 

Do you count the days like Zoe Bug until a parent comes home?

Zoe Bug's Favorite Books

Zoe Bug loves to read! Do you? 

Zoe Bug's favorite books are about super heroes. Read Zoe Bug's Traveling Dad to see when she imagines her dad as a super hero who fights crime with a giant fish!

What kind of books do you like to read?